All of the stories hosted on this site are part of a single universe of stories about trans and alterhuman identity, collectively known as Sky of Another World.
In this alternate universe, Earth was exposed to a blast of magical energy in the year 2006. Thousands of people across the planet caught glimpses of another, magical world— and just a few managed to harness the power of that world and bring it into our own.
On this page, you will find a series of articles describing this universe in detail. Consider it a "wiki" for my books' collective world. The entirety of these articles are licensed under with the intent of creating a community of authors and artists working from the same core concept. In fandom terms, this is an open universe that anybody can contribute to, assuming you follow a few basic rules (see below).
This part of the site will be updated with many more articles in the future, especially as new stories get written.
To get started, click on an article, or read one of the Files.